Sunday, March 1, 2009

Give Me A Break

Yeah. What Kari said
We're Baptist. We're not getting points for this anyway. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While photo two is the clear winner in terms of cuteness, and could only possible be topped with the addition of a tiny fuzzy duck on her shoulder, I would like to add that photo three is also very noteworthy for the fabulousness of the hair.

Not joking. I'm a big fan of sexy bedhair. And I mean that in the most heterosexual, not-attracted-to-you way. Not that I'm homophobic. Or that you aren't attractive. I mean, that I wouldn't be attracted to you if I were a guy. 'Cause I totally would. Or maybe not. I'm not really that into blondes. But I might make an exception for you.


(And just before she hit send, she had a small panic attack that They might read this, and They might think the wrong thing, and maybe she should just delete it all and post something banal like "Cute pic of Ella!" And THEN she hit send. What do They know? Maybe we're in love.)