Thursday, March 26, 2009

watching the world go round and round.

I'm stuck in a conference today. Since starting my job in healthcare/law I've been subjected to more conferences, meetings, group updates, etc than I care to count. While the content of these conferences is usually super boring (but sometimes helpful) I've decided that the opportunity to people watch more than makes up for the boredom.

Observations from today...

Two ladies sitting in front of me decided to wear matching chambray denim shirts unbuttoned, with red t-shirts underneath. Why would you plan that? (And now one of them is sucking on a grape laffy taffy)

Guy sitting four rows in front of me decided it was necessary to secure his ponytail with 6 rubberbands.I'm sure you're shocked to learn that he's balding on top.

Fake Coach purse 3 seats down.

Man with an eyepatch. I wonder if it's real or just for dress-up? Think he knows Johnny Depp?

Ladies and Gentlemen we have a 50 year old (give or take a few barfly riddened years) with long blonde hair extensions (I can see the clips)! Her outfit is great too, spandex/cotten blend trouser pants, studded belt, muffin tops and underwear hanging out (grateful it's not a thong) white (unintentional) midriff baring shirt, and a glittery tweed jacket. AWESOME. (Update...just saw pack of marlboro reds in jacket pocket...classy lady!) (did I spell marlboro right?)

Would refuse to wear my obligatory nametag except that they keep giving me the court clerk material and showing me to the court clerk conference.

How in the world am I supposed to respond to "you don't look like a judge?"

Girl to my right is actually dressed kind of cute. I like her cardigan. Just found out she grew up in Idabel. Cool.

One of the denim duo just won an avon doorprize. Score. Why am I at a place where they're giving away avon doorprizes?...and why didn't I get a ticket?

Just got stared down by a bunhead. I think she knows I'm not wearing a slip.

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