Friday, March 13, 2009

Unce, Tice, Fee, Times a Mady

I tell you what, Kari and I are really putting 110% into this blogging thing....

Seriously, this blogging business has only served to confirm that I have no life. So here's another easy escape from Lent challenge 2009. And go Cowboys...beat MO.

Three Names I go by:
1. Jahni
2. JT
3. Miss Tapley...if you're nasty

Three jobs I have had in my life
1. Telemarketer (I was awesome, I always removed old people from my call list...and kept recalling people who were jerks)
2. Pizza slinger at Pappy's Pizza

Three Places I have lived
1. Valliant
2. Poteau
3. Stillwater

Three shows that I watch
1. The Office
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Gilmore Girls...back off haters

Three places I have been
1. Ciundad Acuna..i.e. nasty little border town near Del Rio, TX
2. On top of the world's highest hill
3. Stuck in a back bowl on Vail Mountain...thank you Andy for not killing could have buried me in the snow and left me 'til a good Spring thaw...

Three people that e-mail me regularly
1. Clint
2. Stacy
3. Kari, they're one of my best pals

Three of my favorite foods
1. Any seafood from the Gulf Coast...except crab cakes
2. Turkey Sandwhich
3. Cake

Three things I'm looking forward to
1. The Beach (soon...very very soon)
2. Jimmy Buffett in April
3. Being nose is cold.

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