Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Little Things Give You Away

I have seen things (or perhaps I should say a thing) today that no girl should ever have to see. You would think that witnessing firsthand a case of Munchausen by proxy would be the most disturbing encounter of the day... alas, it was not. And the worst part of it...or possibly the best part  for any that I can't tell you about it. I would probably lose my job....or at least be highly criticized should my boss ever uncover my Lent challenge. So, I'll just keep it to me, you should be thanking me. 

And by the way Kari...if we can find a driver who'll keep a stick of deodorant at the ready as well as our car, cake, and champagne...our life will be complete.

Day Two of Bloggin for Lent Down!


Anonymous said...

I would like to lodge a formal complaint concerning the previous post. You say all THAT, and actually don't say anything at all? Come ON! I LOVE stories of Munchausen by proxy! Mebbe you'll tell me more in private???

ALSO, I don't think a vague, I-have-an-awesome-story-but-am-legally-bound-not-to-share-it post should count. If you are dedicated to blogging for Lent, then give us some meatier stories. Hehe.


Jahni said...

Oh Stace, I will soooo tell you in's not horrific...but it was....i'm still a little traumatized.